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couples therapy Dubai

Everything You Need to Know About Couples Therapy

It’s perfectly expected for couples in relationships to face challenges from time to time. Every relationship has its unique needs and challenges. Couples see therapy for a number of unique reasons. From miscommunicat…

Common anxiety signs

10 Signs You Have Anxiety

Anxiety impacts everyone from time to time. It’s normal to worry or fixate on the worst-case scenario every once in a while. However, people suffering from anxiety disorders experience frequent, intense, and excessive…

social media platforms and depression

Does Social Media Cause Depression?

According to recent estimates, roughly 4 billion people worldwide use various social media platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. It’s not hard to believe. When you take a look around a crowd…

what is play therapy

Child Development: Play Therapy in Dubai

Every child deserves to feel safe, empowered, understood, connected, and loved. Play therapy is based on the foundation of providing a safe environment for children to process their emotions and develop the social, em…

the future of depression treatment

The Future of Depression Treatment

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), depression impacts more than 264 million people globally. Once diagnosed, depression treatment can be by medications, psychotherapy, or a combination of the two. While…

how to talk to your therapist when you have social anxiety

How to Talk to Your Therapist When You Have Social Anxiety

Social anxiety disorder (SAD), also called a social phobia, is characterized by intense fear or anxiety of being negatively evaluated, judged, or rejected in a social situation. Individuals with social anxiety often …

managing depression during social isolation

Managing Depression During Social Isolation

The outbreak of the global coronavirus pandemic is stressful for many people. Since the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the COVID-19 outbreak a global pandemic, regions across the world have mandated quaran…

what are cognitive behavioral therapists

What are Cognitive Behavioral Therapists?

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a common type of talk therapy (psychotherapy) that has been demonstrated effective for a range of mental health struggles including anxiety disorders, depression, substance abuse …

managing covid-19 related anxiety

Managing COVID-19 – Related Anxiety

The recent increase of COVID-19 cases in Europe and in the rest of the world has seen a great increase of strong emotions, such as overwhelming fear and worry, in our community. Despite the fact that the infection has…